Facebook Benchmarks: Engagement on Facebook Has Increased by 40% Compared to 2023

Whether your Facebook marketing goal is to generate engagement or drive traffic and sales, as a social media strategist, you need to know what’s working and what’s not in order to create an effective content plan.

Thus, Facebook benchmarks for key metrics such as overall engagement, comments, or shares are the most important to monitor, as they can guide you to best practices that will ensure your brand stays aligned with consumers' preferences.

Diving into the latest Facebook performance data and content trends, our Facebook benchmarks report aims to help you understand patterns in user engagement and fine-tune your social media strategy. Let's jump straight in!

Table of Contents
Facebook performance benchmarks - key insights
Facebook videos, including regular format and Reels are the most engaging content formats
Facebook's average engagement rate in 2024 is 0.25%
Brand post on average 40 posts/month
Video content formats generate the highest number of likes and shares
Facebook status posts drive the most comments
Takeaways from the latest Facebook benchmarks and tips for strategy optimization
Brand spotlight for an effective Facebook marketing strategy


Facebook performance benchmarks - key insights

  • Facebook videos, including regular video format and Facebook Reels, have the highest engagement rates.
  • Facebook engagement rate in 2024 stands at an average of 0.25%.
  • Engagement on Facebook has increased by 40% compared to 2023.
  • On Facebook, brands post an average of 40 times per month.
  • Video content formats generate the highest number of likes and shares.
  • Facebook status posts drive the most comments.

Facebook videos, including regular format and Reels are the most engaging content formats

If you're chasing high engagement on Facebook, video content is your best friend. With an average engagement rate of 0.35%, regular videos take the top spot.

Whether it’s tutorials, behind-the-scenes clips, or product demos, videos are simply hard to ignore.

Close behind are Facebook Reels, pulling in a 0.30% engagement rate. These short-form, snappy videos are built for mobile and perfect for keeping audiences engaged with quick, digestible content.

Photos and albums—while still valuable—fall behind a bit, with an average Facebook engagement rate of 0.30% and 0.20%. Meanwhile, links are the least engaging, with a mere 0.07% engagement rate. While great for driving traffic, link posts might not be your go-to if social media engagement is the end game.

Strategic tactics to increase engagement on Facebook

  • Make video content a key part of your content strategy. Invest in high-quality production for product demos, tutorials, or behind-the-scenes content, and incorporate live streaming for real-time interaction. Live videos, in particular, can create a sense of urgency and authenticity that recorded videos can’t match.
  • Reels should be used for quick, engaging posts that tap into current social media trends. Keep them fun, light, and digestible. Experiment with different formats, such as mini how-to guides, quick tips, or even humorous takes on trending topics. Make sure your reels are easy to share for maximum reach.

  • Lastly, reduce reliance on link posts if engagement is your goal. While they’re great for redirecting users to external sites, balancing them with more interactive post types will prevent your engagement rate from dipping.

Facebook's average engagement rate in 2024 is 0.25%

According to the data pulled for our Facebook benchmarks report, the second half of 2024 has registered a significant uplift in Facebook engagement, increasing by 40%.

While the year kicked off with a Facebook engagement rate of 25% on average, starting with July it has increased up to 0.45%.

These peaks offer critical insight into how user activity—and therefore post performance—varies over the course of the year.

Strategic tactics to improve content performance

  • Plan your content calendar around peak engagement periods. Use the months when engagement is high—like during the holiday season or major shopping events (think Black Friday or summer sales)—to launch major campaigns or promotions. During these periods, ramp up your posting frequency and focus on your most engaging content formats, like videos and reels.

  • During engagement dips, consider using more interactive content like, contests, or challenges to keep your audience engaged. Slow periods are perfect for experimentation, so try out new types of posts to see what resonates.

Brands post on average 40 posts/month

How often should you post on Facebook? In 2024, brands have increased their posting frequency on Facebook, posting more than once per day.

Based on our Facebook benchmarks data, brands post on average 40 times per month - but what's interesting is that high posting frequency doesn’t necessarily guarantee high engagement.

In fact, some brands maintain engagement with fewer, higher-quality posts. So while it’s important to stay visible, finding the right balance between quantity and quality is key to sustaining audience interest.

Strategic tactics to optimize posting frequency

  • Experiment with posting frequency to see what works best for your audience. Start by posting daily for a week and track your Facebook engagement. The next week, reduce the frequency and see how your audience responds. Adjust your posting schedule accordingly based on the results.

  • Prioritize quality over quantity. Instead of posting for the sake of staying active, focus on delivering content that adds value to your audience. Whether it’s entertaining, educational, or inspiring, each post should serve a clear purpose.
If you lack inspiration, here's a detailed list of social media content types you can leverage to ensure you posts don't lack diversity.

Video content formats generate the highest number of likes and shares

When it comes to likes and shares, Facebook video content types just win hearts more easily than others.

Facebook like rate benchmarks

It's interesting to note that for small profiles (those with fewer than 5,000 followers), Facebook Reels have the highest like rate at 1.70%. Their quick, engaging, and often entertaining format makes them perfect for eliciting instant reactions.

People love to engage with Reels on Facebook because they’re easy to consume and pack a lot of punch in a short amount of time. Whether it’s a funny clip, a behind-the-scenes peek, or a trendy tutorial, Reels are built to capture attention and get that double-tap from viewers.

As for a Facebook like rate benchmark across all page sizes, Reels score an average of 0.55%.

With an average like rate of 0.60% for regular videos, the stats prove that visual content remains the most effective at generating immediate user responses.

Videos, with their ability to hold attention longer than static images and offer more depth in storytelling, play a significant role in their strong performance. When a video resonates with viewers emotionally, it's more likely to receive appreciation in the form of likes.

Next in line are photos, which bring in an average like rate of 0.30%. Although not as captivating as Reels or videos, photos still have their own significance. A high-quality, visually striking image can grab attention in a crowded feed and attract likes from users who may need more time or attention span for longer content.

And let's not forget that albums—collections of photos—can still drive engagement, though at a slightly like rate of 0.20%.

Albums give followers more content to browse and can be especially useful for events, product collections, or story-driven campaigns.

Status updates and links, on the other hand, aren't as visually stimulating and, as a result, don't pull in as many likes.

Status updates receive an average like rate of 0.15%, while links lag behind at 0.07%. These formats may not attract as much attention on a visually oriented platform like Facebook, but they serve other purposes. For example, status updates can foster discussions, while links can drive traffic to external sites.

Strategic tactics to get more likes on Facebook

  • If you want to increase likes on your posts, prioritize creating Reels and videos as the main focus of your content strategy. These formats are visually captivating and designed to quickly capture attention, making them perfect for eliciting immediate responses.

  • Reels, in particular, are a great way to engage with trends and capitalize on fleeting attention spans. Keep them light, fun, and punchy—they’re perfect for short, snappy content that viewers love to double-tap.

  • For videos, consider creating more emotionally engaging content that tells a story or provides value, whether through education, entertainment, or inspiration. A compelling video will naturally encourage likes because people love to show appreciation for content that moves them or adds value to their day.

  • While photos don’t bring in as many likes as videos or Reels, they’re still a valuable part of your content mix. High-quality visuals with striking imagery can stop users mid-scroll, leading them to engage. Use photos to highlight product launches, share updates, or showcase moments that resonate emotionally with your audience.

Facebook share rate benchmarks

When it comes to shares, the content types that work best are those that evoke strong emotions or offer something valuable enough for users to pass along to their own networks.

It’s no surprise that videos are at the top of the leaderboard for shares, with an average share rate of 0.07%.

Whether it’s a touching story, a clever tutorial, or something that evokes a strong reaction, videos tap into the viewer’s desire to spread content that resonates with them or their community.

A well-executed video can go viral, especially if it strikes the right chord at the right time. Reels come in second with an average share rate of 0.05%.

Photos and albums, while still solid, don’t generate as many shares as videos or Reel. Photos have a share rate of 0.04%, while albums come in at 0.03%. While these formats might not have the immediate viral potential of video content, they’re still useful when it comes to visually communicating a message or showcasing multiple perspectives.

People are more likely to share visually compelling photos or evoke a strong personal connection, but this happens less frequently than with video content.

Status updates and links are at the bottom of the list, with a share rate of 0.02% and 0.01%. These formats tend to be more about information delivery than viral appeal, which explains their lower share rates.

Status updates may generate conversation, but they don’t inspire the same level of viral spread as visual content. Links, on the other hand, are primarily used for driving traffic, not engagement, which explains their lower share performance.

Strategic tactics to get more shares on Facebook

  • Create shareable content by focusing on emotions and storytelling. People share content that makes them feel something—whether it’s humor, inspiration, or surprise. To maximize this, create content that taps into trends, humor, or strong emotional narratives—elements that people are more likely to share with others. Use Reels and videos to craft stories that your audience will want to spread within their networks.

  • When using photos, focus on a strong, relatable story. A great photo can still drive shares, but it needs to connect with your audience on a deeper level—whether it’s something inspirational, humorous, or visually stunning. Pairing photos with a CTA like “Tag someone who needs to see this!” can also boost shares.

  • Include a call-to-action (CTA) in your posts that encourages users to share. A simple “Share this with a friend who needs to see this!” at the end of a video can prompt users to help amplify your message.

Facebook status posts drive the most comments

Want to spark a conversation? It turns out status updates (yes, those plain old text posts) lead the pack with an average comment rate of 0.08%. Even though they’re simple, status updates often encourage users to share opinions or engage in discussions.

Videos come in second at 0.05%, often prompting comments through visual storytelling or emotional connections.

Photos, while great for catching attention, fall behind with 0.03%. Surprisingly, Reels, which perform well for likes, don’t encourage many comments, with only 0.02% average share rate. This shows that not all engagement types are created equal—some formats are better for conversation, while others are more about quick reactions.

Strategic tactics on getting more comments on Facebook

  • Use status updates strategically to encourage interaction. Pose questions that resonate with your audience, ask for opinions on trending topics, or even invite your followers to share their own stories. Open-ended questions are particularly effective here, as they naturally lead to more comments and ongoing discussions.

  • Tie your status updates to current events, trends, or timely topics to make them more relevant. People are more likely to comment on content that feels timely and engaging.

Takeaways from the latest Facebook benchmarks and tips for strategy optimization

To sum it all up, maximizing your engagement on Facebook requires a strategic blend of content type, posting frequency, and storytelling.

This Facebook benchmark report clearly shows that videos and Reels are the top-performing formats when it comes to driving overall engagement.

By incorporating these formats into your content strategy, you can consistently boost your likes, shares, and overall interactions.

But don’t underestimate the power of status updates—while simple, they excel at sparking meaningful conversations, which can build a more engaged community over time.

Here’s a breakdown of actionable insights to help you stay ahead:

  • Prioritize video content: Since videos lead the way in engagement rates, invest in more video production. Whether it's product demos, behind-the-scenes clips, or educational tutorials, video should form the backbone of your content strategy. Use reels for quick, engaging posts that take advantage of trends or highlight key product features.

  • Plan around peak engagement periods: Look at engagement trends to determine when your audience is most active. Key moments, like holidays or major industry events, are the perfect times to ramp up your posting frequency and launch significant campaigns. Aligning with these peaks can help maximize your reach and results.

  • Balance quality and quantity: Posting too frequently can overwhelm your audience, leading to a drop in engagement. Instead, focus on delivering high-quality content that offers value, whether through entertainment or useful information. Experiment with different posting frequencies to find the right balance for your brand.

  • Use status updates to spark conversations: If community interaction is a goal, use status updates or thought-provoking text posts to encourage discussions. These simple posts are surprisingly effective in driving comments, which deepens engagement and helps build stronger connections with your followers.

  • Optimize content for shares: If you want to expand your organic reach, creating shareable content is essential. Focus on emotional storytelling in videos and quick, snappy reels that are easy for your audience to pass on to their own networks. Shares will help grow your brand visibility organically.

  • Adapt to engagement dips: When engagement slows down in certain months, don’t be afraid to adapt. Use polls, contests, or interactive content to keep your audience engaged even during slow periods. Your content strategy should be flexible enough to adjust to seasonal trends or shifts in audience behavior.

Brand spotlight for an effective Facebook marketing strategy

As a social media strategist, researching brands that are known for their creative social media campaigns is vital for getting content inspiration. And we’re here to help you do just that  - instead of you going to the mountains, we’ve brought the mountains to you.

GoPro - the famous video gear company, is a top reference when it comes to brands that are nailing it with Facebook marketing.

With an average Facebook engagement rate of 0.90%, GoPro exceeds almost four times the platform’s benchmarks. But what does the strategy behind such a value look like?

For starters, GoPro’s content plan is centered around video content. The brand creates short and dynamic Reels meant to grab the viewers’ attention and drive excitement while taking them on short journeys that drive just enough curiosity to make them come back for more.

On top of that, the brand’s videos often feature humans, making the content more relatable and sparking the viewers’ desire for adventure through exciting real-life experiences.

Through the posts created, which represent a mix of vivid Reels and images, GoPro proves its deep understanding of the platform and the need for diversity and highly visual content.

Lastly, the brand has an established posting frequency that is aligned with the current trends, creating, on average, 48 posts per month.

Following all the Facebook best practices revealed by our data, GoPros’ performance analysis strengthens the findings of this study, backing up the importance and impact of video content, diversity, and consistency in posting.


The findings of this study are based on the analysis of 69M Facebook posts published between January 2023 - September 2024 by 184,339 Facebook pages that had an active presence during the mentioned timeframe.

The average Facebook engagement rate is calculated by summing all the reactions, together with the comments and shares received on the posts published by a page in the selected time period and divided by the number of fans, then multiplied by 100 to get a percentage.

Like/comment/share rate: it is calculated by dividing the number of likes/comments/shares (depending on the case) to the total number of views gained within the specified timeframe and multiplied by 100.