[What Data Says] How Long Are TikTok Videos?

Over 23.56 million videos are uploaded each day on TikTok, offering a constant stream of fresh content.

For brands and creators, this variety is a game-changer.

But how long should TikTok videos should be?  Short clips grab attention and go viral, while longer videos give space for storytelling or detailed discussions.

What’s the ideal video length for your audience?

How do you balance short, snappy clips with deeper content that engages?

This article dives into TikTok's video length options and how social media managers can make the most of them for TikTok marketing. You'll learn how different video lengths impact views and engagement and discover social media video tips for finding the perfect balance between short, attention-grabbing clips and longer, more detailed content.

Are you ready to take your TikTok strategy to the next level? Let’s dive in!

Table of Contents
How long can a TikTok video be?
How long can a TikTok story be?
How long can TikTok carousel be?
How long can TikTok live be?
What is the average length of a TikTok video?
What’s the ideal TikTok video length?
How long should a TikTok video be: our verdict

How long can a TikTok video be?

TikTok videos can range from a minimum of 3 seconds to a maximum video length of 60 minutes.

You can create videos of different lengths:
•  Videos you record in TikTok can be up to 10 minutes long.
•  Videos you upload in TikTok can be up to 60 minutes long.

When filming video within the app, you’ll find preset options like 15 seconds videos, 60 seconds, and 10 minutes. For long-form videos, like 15 and 60 minutes, you might need to upload a video from your device instead of recording in-app.

It’s important to keep in mind that these longer video options, particularly the videos up to 60 minutes, may not be available to every user or in every region just yet. TikTok is gradually rolling out this feature, so availability can vary based on your location and account type.

Learn more about short form content and difference between TikTok vs Reels vs Shorts in this handy guide for social media managers.

How long can a TikTok story be?

A TikTok Story can be up to 15 seconds long.

When you’re recording a Story directly in the app, you're limited to that 15-second time frame. However, unlike regular TikTok posts, Stories disappear after 24 hours and won’t appear on the For You Page or following feeds. That said, your followers can view them by tapping your profile picture or in the DMs/messages section.

Also, keep in mind that Stories are designed for quick, temporary content rather than in-depth videos. So, keep the watch time short.

TikTok photo carousels can feature anywhere from 1 to 35 images.

The length of time these carousels appear on a viewer’s feed depends on how long it takes to scroll through all the images.

What’s cool is that you can add music, effects, and other features to make them more engaging, just like with regular videos. These carousels appear on both the For You Page and your profile, so they function similarly to regular TikTok videos regarding visibility.

How long can TikTok live be?

TikTok Live streams can last up to 60 minutes per session. However, users can restart the live stream if they want to continue beyond this limit. This time limit is in place to ensure smoother performance for both streamers and viewers.

Some creators stream for a few minutes, while others stay live for hours.

The flexibility of TikTok Live lets you to engage with your audience in real-time, whether you're hosting a quick Q&A or doing a long gaming session. Just remember that your live content should remain engaging to keep viewers watching and it’s not always about the video length.

What is the average length of a TikTok video?

The average length of a TikTok video varies depending on the number of followers an account has.

According to Statista, in 2024, accounts with fewer than 500 views produced videos of around 35 seconds on average. As the number of followers increases, so does the video length.

For example, TikTok accounts with more than 50,001 followers typically create videos closer to 55 seconds long. This trend reflects how larger accounts, likely catering to more engaged audiences, can afford to create slightly longer content while still maintaining high viewer retention.

Overall, the average video length across accounts has been steadily increasing.

What’s the ideal TikTok video length?

When trying to figure out the perfect length for a TikTok video, it turns out there isn't one size that fits all.

So, what is the best TikTok video length for views?

Some durations do tend to perform better than others, especially when considering different TikTok metrics like views, view rate, and engagement.

Socialinsider's data from early 2024 suggests that TikTok videos lasting between 90 and 120 seconds are the sweet spot for maximizing both views and view rate.

Let’s break this down further with the study results.

TikTok video views by video duration

As of 2024, TikTok videos between 90 and 120 seconds achieve the highest number of views. This is followed closely by videos that are between 120 and 180 seconds.

The third-best performers in terms of views are videos that are 60 to 90 seconds long. These findings suggest that while TikTok began as a short-form video platform, users increasingly engage with longer content.

Brands that want to maximize their video views should experiment with videos that hover around this 90 to 180-second range, as they’re more likely to capture and retain viewer interest.

This trend reflects a shift in how users interact with TikTok. While the platform originally encouraged super-short clips, the ability to share more in-depth content seems to be resonating with the audience. But remember, this doesn’t mean all short videos are ineffective; it’s just that viewers now seem more willing to invest their time in slightly longer videos, provided the content is engaging.

TikTok video length by view rate

When looking at view rate, Socialinsider's What Data Says shows that videos between 90 and 120 seconds consistently outperform those that are shorter or longer.

These videos strike the right balance between being long enough to deliver value and short enough to maintain attention.

Shorter videos, particularly those under 5 seconds, do have a high view rate, but that’s largely because they’re so quick that viewers don’t have time to scroll away before they finish. TikToks under 5 seconds benefit from the fact that every time they appear in someone’s feed, they’re likely to be viewed in full. As soon as the video appears, it counts as a view. This may inflate the view rate, but shorter videos still struggle to keep viewers engaged in meaningful ways beyond the view count itself.

On the other hand, the 90 to 120-second videos offer a better chance to build a connection with the audience, leading to higher engagement overall.

TikTok video length by number of followers

According to the Socialinsider data, most brands tend to publish videos that are between 40 and 50 seconds long. This duration is likely a strategic choice, as it helps brands to share their message without overloading the viewer with too much information.

Brands also likely aim for a sweet spot where viewers don’t feel the content is dragging but still get enough time to absorb the message.

However, the size of your audience also influences the length of videos. Brands with larger followings have more flexibility to experiment with making videos longer. As they build a more loyal and engaged audience, they can afford to produce content that dives deeper, whether through storytelling, tutorials, or behind-the-scenes looks. For newer brands or creators looking to build a following, the ideal length for your TikToks would be to make shorter, punchier videos.

How long should a TikTok video be: our verdict

Based on Socialinsider data the sweet spot for TikTok video length falls between 90 and 120 seconds, especially when shot directly within the TikTok app.


TikTok users crave authenticity. Videos that feel spontaneous, real, and less polished resonate better with the platform’s audience, which is why native content tends to perform so well.

When videos hit that 90-120 second mark, they strike a perfect balance.

They’re long enough to tell a compelling story, share useful tips, or dive deeper into a topic, but short enough to hold the viewer’s attention without feeling like it’s dragging on. The TikTok algorithm also seems to favor these longer, but not too long, videos, pushing them out to more users and increasing your chance of going viral.

Another reason why this length works well is that it gives creators the room to build a hook, deliver the main content, and close strong. With shorter videos, you might grab attention fast, but it can be harder to offer substance. On the flip side, longer videos might risk losing viewers halfway through if they’re not consistently engaging. The 90 to 120-second range allows for that sweet spot where both engagement and storytelling come together naturally.

The authenticity factor plays a huge role here. TikTok is not the platform for highly curated or overly polished videos. People want real, relatable content. Whether you’re filming a tutorial, sharing a day-in-the-life, or simply hopping on the latest TikTok trends, keeping your content true to your style and personality is key. Even brands have embraced this shift, as users prefer ads and promotional content that feels more casual and genuine rather than scripted and overly produced.

In short, if you’re looking to hit the TikTok algorithm's sweet spot and keep your audience hooked, aim for that 90 to 120-second range while keeping it authentic and relatable. This will not only maximize your views but also help build stronger connections with your audience.

How to calculate your ideal TikTok video length

To determine the ideal length for your TikTok videos, it's important to dig into detailed TikTok content performance metrics.

While you can make educated guesses, having accurate data from a TikTok analytics tool like Socialinsider gives you the insights you need to refine your strategy. Socialinsider provides in-depth analytics for any TikTok business account, making it an irreplaceable solution for calculating the ideal video length and overall performance.

Here’s how Socialinsider can help you decide on the best TikTok length for your videos:

  • Video views: Track the number of views your videos get at different lengths. This will give you a clear idea of whether longer or shorter videos work best for your audience.

  • Engagement metrics: You can compare total engagement (likes, shares, comments) vs. engagement rate per video. The TikTok engagement rate calulator gives a clearer picture than just raw numbers because it factors in how well your content resonates with viewers, regardless of its length.

  • Average TikTok length: See what your current average TikTok video length is and whether it aligns with your top-performing videos. This helps you understand whether you need to adjust your video duration to capture more views and engagement. Learn more about how to get more views on TikTok in this easy step by step guide.

  • TikTok content format performance: Socialinsider allows you to compare the performance of different formats, such as carousel posts vs. traditional video posts. This is important to finding out if your audience prefers quick swipes through a carousel or more in-depth video content.

  • Top-performing videos: Identify the videos bringing in the most views, engagement, and shares. Analyzing these top performers can give you insight into the ideal length, format, and style of content that resonates with your audience.

  • Saves vs. Comments vs. Likes: Understanding how people interact with your content beyond just views is critical. If videos of a certain length get more saves or comments, that’s a strong signal that your audience finds them valuable and wants to engage more deeply.

The business impact of having access to these insights is enormous.

Socialinsider is like a marketing Swiss army knife for social media managers who want to conduct competitor analysis and performance tracking. Without a tool like this, getting such granular data on what’s working for your brand and your competitors would be nearly impossible. You can see how other brands are performing on TikTok, which helps you refine your own strategy and gain more followers.

By the way, if you want to learn how to get more followers on TikTok, check out our complete guide.

In short, Socialinsider is necessary if you want to optimize your TikTok strategy and find the best length for your TikTok videos. By analyzing metrics like views, engagement, and content format performance, you can pinpoint exactly what video length works best for your brand and audience.

Measure your TikTok performance

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Final thoughts

If TikTok is your videos' primary social media platform, mastering the TikTok length is super important to creating engaging content that resonates with your audience. No matter if you're aiming for short form videos or a more in-depth video, understanding the right length for your content can boost your success.

In conclusion, the ideal TikTok video length can vary depending on your goals. If you’re looking to maximize views, aiming for videos between 90 and 120 seconds seems to be the sweet spot.

However, if your goal is purely high view rates, super-short videos under 5 seconds can give you a boost. And for brands, keeping videos around 40-50 seconds offers a balanced approach to delivering your message without losing your audience’s attention.

Tools like Socialinsider make it easy to analyze performance, track trends, and optimize your strategy, allowing you to stay ahead of the competition. With the right insights, you can fine-tune your TikTok approach, keeping viewers hooked and your content performing at its best.