Instagram Reels Length: How Long Should Your Reels Be?

Instagram Reels have completely changed the game for brands, forcing them to rethink their approach to Instagram marketing and how they connect with users.

These bite-sized videos grab attention way faster than static posts, delivering higher engagement in less time. It’s no wonder Reels usage jumped 46% year-over-year as more brands realize their potential.

There’s a key factor at play, though: your Instagram Reels length.

Get it right, and you’ll have your audience's full attention. But if you get it wrong, they’ll scroll past in seconds. Whether you’re aiming for a quick hit of entertainment or a more detailed story, finding that sweet spot is crucial.

In this guide, we’ll help you figure out the perfect Reel length to make sure your message lands and keeps viewers coming back for more.

Table of Contents
How long can Instagram reels be?
Can you upload longer Instagram Reels?
How long should an Instagram Reel be?
Instagram Reels best practices
The length of Instagram Reels vs. TikToks vs. YouTube Shorts
How long should an Instagram reel be: our expert verdict

How long can Instagram Reels be?

Instagram Reels can be 15, 30, 60, or 90 seconds long.

So, if you're planning to record Reels within the app, 90 seconds is your Instagram Reels max length. If you upload a video longer than that, Instagram will chop it off right at 90 seconds.

Instagram also lets you play around with built-in editing tools. You can trim, merge, or pull clips from your camera roll to make your Reel just right. Don't shy away from experimenting with different durations to find what keeps your audience engaged without losing their interest halfway through.

Can you upload longer Instagram Reels?

Yes, you can upload longer Instagram reels. Here's how:

  • Open Instagram and tap the "+" button, then select Post.
  • From your gallery, choose the longer video you want to upload.
  • Tap Next to enter the editing stage — here, you can cut, swap clips, or add audio, text, stickers, and voiceovers.
  • Select the arrow button in the top-right corner of your screen.
  • Then, tap Edit Cover to select or upload a cover image. You can also choose how the video will appear on your profile grid.
  • Tap Done.
  • Fill in the details like video description and tags. Note that you can choose whether you want the video to stay on your main profile display or just on your Reels grid.
  • Finally, tap Share.

Once uploaded, your video will appear under the Reels tab on your profile.

How long should an Instagram Reel be?

The ideal length for an Instagram Reel depends largely on your content goals.

For fast, punchy content — think: product teasers or quick updates — 15 to 30 seconds is the best fit. This is where you get in, deliver the goods, and get out before losing attention.

But if you’re looking to tell a story, teach a tutorial, or show something more complex, stretching your Reel to 60 or 90 seconds lets you engage viewers without rushing them.

However, reels longer than 90 seconds? Not Instagram's favorite.

In a recent conference, Instagram's team pointed out that videos longer than 90 seconds can “hurt distribution” — meaning your content may not reach as many people as shorter videos do.

Instagram's algorithm loves content that gets watched all the way through, and shorter videos are easier to finish (and re-watch), which is great for engagement.

Imagine two scenarios:

  1. Viewers watch all 30 seconds of your Reel.
  2. Viewers watch 60 seconds of a 90-second Reel but don’t finish it.

Now, even though the viewer spent more time on the longer video, the algorithm views incomplete viewing as a sign that the content didn’t resonate fully, which can limit the Reel’s reach.

So, what’s the sweet spot?

Make your Reel as long as necessary to deliver your message but as short as possible to keep viewers hooked.

Aim to capture attention within the first 3-5 seconds by featuring a strong hook or a surprise element. This can keep viewers engaged and encourage re-watching or sharing.

You also want to leave viewers curious and wanting more — this compels them to explore your profile and binge-watch your other videos.

How long should an Instagram Reel be to drive more comments?

Reels that encourage interaction — especially those that pose questions or prompt discussions — often attract more comments. 30 to 45 seconds tends to work well for these types of videos, as it allows enough time to build intrigue and give viewers the space to share their thoughts or experiences.

How long should an Instagram Reel be to drive more shares?

For more shares, conciseness is key. Reels that are 15 to 18 seconds long are easier to digest and more likely to be shared, as viewers can quickly consume and send the content to others. Shorter videos also fit well into the fast-scrolling behavior typical on Instagram, increasing the chances that your content will be shared widely​.

How long should an Instagram Reel be to drive more saves?

To generate more saves, aim for content that provides value — think tutorials, how-tos, or step-by-step guides. Reels in the 60 to 90-seconds range give you ample time to provide enough detail that viewers want to save for later reference. The added length also ensures that you can cover the topic comprehensively without rushing through it.

Discover your ideal Reels length through competitor analysis

When you’re figuring out the best video length for Instagram Reels, analyzing competitors’ videos is non-negotiable. Sure, you might be tempted to rely on past successes, but competitor analysis can reveal opportunities you’re likely to miss otherwise.

It’s not enough to just look at views — focus on the Reels that drive social media engagement, not just passive consumption. Interaction is what really moves the needle in terms of business outcomes, so it’s crucial to understand how your competitors are fostering meaningful interactions with their audience.

This is where Socialinsider comes in.

At its core, Socialinsider is a social media analytics platform that delivers detailed insights across multiple social platforms, including Instagram. It’s designed to help you — as a marketer or business owner — understand how well your content is performing in terms of engagement rate, social media reach, impressions, likes, and comments.

But Socialinsider goes beyond just your own numbers. One of its standout features is its ability to offer in-depth social media competitor analysis.

You see exactly how your Instagram Reels compare to others in your field through competitive social media benchmarks.

Maybe your competitors are getting more engagement with shorter, punchy Reels, for instance. This could be a clue that your audience likes quick hits, too. Or, if longer Reels seem to be doing the trick, it might mean your viewers are into more detailed content.

You'll get actionable, real-time data and competitive insights to help tailor your own Instagram strategy and optimize your content to outperform them.

Why competitor analysis matters?

Instagram Reel hacks are fun, but understanding what makes your competitors' top-performing Reels succeed? That’s where the real advantage kicks in.

Take note of patterns — if their Reels of a certain length consistently blow up, it’s a strong clue about what resonates with your shared audience. But don’t just… copy their content. Look deeper into engagement rates and overall interaction to get a deeper sense of what drives those results.

For example, if shorter Reels (15-30 seconds) are driving high engagement, this likely suggests your audience also prefers concise, to-the-point content. But if longer Reels (60-90 seconds) receive better engagement, it could mean they’re drawn to more in-depth storytelling or educational content.

How to use Socialinsider for Instagram Reels analytics?

Now, let’s talk about how to actually use Socialinsider to gain these insights.

First things first, you need to add your competitors' social media profiles — in this case Instagram — to your Socialinsider dashboard. This gives you access to all the key performance metrics for each of their Reels.

Here’s a step-by-step process for accessing Socialinsider’s analytics:

Step 1: Add competitor profiles

Begin by searching for your competitors on Socialinsider.

For instance, I added Target to my dashboard to see how its Instagram Reels are performing.

Click Search, followed by Add profile.

Step 2: View profile metrics

Notice how Target’s profile is automatically featured on the Profile tab on the left-hand side of the screen. From there, you can click on the profile to view the brand's Instagram analytics, including engagement, reach, and impressions.

Step 3: Filter for Reels

To focus specifically on Instagram Reels, select Posts. Then, click Filters, and check off Reels under the Media menu.

Select Apply (1) filters.

Step 4: Review key metrics

Now that you’ve filtered by Reels, you can click on individual Reels to analyze their performance.

Socialinsider provides you with a detailed breakdown of Instgaram metrics, such as:

  • Comments: You can see how many comments a Reel has received. This is critical for gauging how engaging and interactive the content is.

  • Likes: A Reel's like count is an immediate indicator of how well it resonates with the audience.

  • Engagement rate per Reel: Socialinsider calculates engagement rate by dividing the number of interactions by either follower or reach, giving you a clear picture of how effective each Reel is.

  • Reach and impressions: These social media metrics give an idea of how far your competitors’ content is spreading. Reach refers to the unique number of people who have seen the Reel, while impressions measure the total number of times it has been displayed.

Beyond individual Reels, Socialinsider also offers aggregated Reels analytics.

In addition to per-Reel analytics, Socialinsider offers a dedicated section with aggregated Instagram Reels analytics. This feature is perfect for spotting content trends and understanding long-term performance.

Here are some key metrics to track:

  • Reels distribution: How often are your competitors' posting Reels? Consistency is key to keeping your audience engaged, and this metric helps you track it.

  • Average reels engagement: Averages out the likes, comments, and shares per Reel, so you can easily gauge overall content performance.

  • Engagement rate per reach: Measures the percentage of people who engaged with the competition's Reel after seeing it. It's a great way to see how their content connects with your audience.

  • Likes and comments (individual & aggregate): Provides a detailed look at how each Reel performs and presents the overall trends.

  • Engagement rate per impressions: Similar to engagement per reach but includes repeat views. This helps you understand how well the competition's content sticks.

  • Reels reach distribution: Tracks how far the competition's Reels are spreading, offering insights into their content’s ability to boost brand visibility.

Why these metrics matter?

Metrics like engagement rate, comments, likes, reach, and impressions are crucial to understanding how your competitor's (or your) content performs and how it impacts your overall social media strategy.

Engagement rate

This metric shows whether your content is resonating with your audience and encouraging interaction. A high engagement rate means viewers are connecting with your content, while a low rate suggests it might not be hitting the mark.


Comments reflect deeper engagement than likes, showing that viewers are taking the time to interact with your content, whether positively or negatively.


While basic, likes are still a quick way to gauge a Reel’s popularity. They offer a surface-level measure of how well your content is doing, but combining them with comments and engagement rates provides a fuller picture.

Reach and impressions

These metrics give you an idea of your content's visibility. If your reach is high but engagement is low, it might suggest your content is being seen but not resonating. Conversely, high impressions paired with strong engagement suggest your content is both visible and effective — the ultimate goal.

Optimizing Reel length based on Socialinsider analytics

Once you’ve got the competitor data from Socialinsider, it’s time to level up your Instagram Reels.

Now, you don’t just want to focus on tweaking the length. Instead, dive deeper into what makes the competitor's Reels click with your audience. Is it the fast-paced transitions of shorter clips? Or maybe the depth of longer tutorials or behind-the-scenes glimpses?

The good news is that Socialinsider does more than just show you numbers — it helps you understand the storytelling, pacing, and themes that hook your viewers. Short Reels? Great for snappy, eye-catching content. Longer ones? Those are best suited for delivering valuable, in-depth content.

Consider the data as a roadmap to experiment with different formats, storytelling styles, and calls to action that match your audience's preferences.

Finally, keep experimenting, refining, and adjusting — not just for finding the perfect video length for Instagram Reels, but to keep your video content fresh, engaging, and totally in tune with your viewers.

Instagram Reels best practices

Follow these Instagram best practices to improve both the reach and engagement of your Reels:

  • Grab attention in the first 3 seconds. The first few moments of your Reel are make-or-break. A captivating visual or an intriguing question right off the bat will hook viewers and keep them around. Studies show the opening moments are crucial in determining whether someone watches the whole thing—and shorter Reels often loop, boosting your views.

  • Use trending music and hashtags. Instagram trending audio and music are your best friends. Instagram’s algorithm loves it when you ride the trend wave. Pair that with relevant, trending hashtags, and you’re upping your chances of being discovered by a larger audience.

  • Incorporate clear call-to-actions. Tell your viewers what to do next. Whether it's leaving a comment, following your profile, or sharing the Reel, a CTA not only drives engagement but also funnels traffic to other areas of your account, like your bio or products.

  • Optimize for mobile. Since Reels are mostly viewed on mobile, stick to the 9:16 aspect ratio (1080 x 1920 pixels) for the best display. Make sure no important text or visuals get cropped out by Instagram’s interface. A mobile-friendly video is more likely to keep viewers watching.

  • Use reels analytics to improve. Check out Instagram's insights to see how your Reels are performing—look at metrics like engagement rate or impressions. This data shows what your audience is into and helps you refine future content based on what’s actually working, not just guesswork.

  • Post consistently, but focus on quality. Consistency is important, but don’t sacrifice quality. Posting regularly matters, but engaging, well-thought-out Reels that reflect your brand will keep your audience hooked and eager for more.

How long can an Instagram Story be?

As of 2024, the maximum length for a single Story is 60 seconds.

This is a significant increase from the original 15-second limit when Instagram Stories first launched. You can now upload or record videos up to 60 seconds without Instagram automatically splitting them into smaller clips, as was previously the case.

But if your video is longer than 60 seconds, Instagram won't allow you to upload it as one continuous Story. You’ll need to split the video into multiple segments, each no longer than 60 seconds. You can do this manually with Instagram’s built-in tool or use a third-party video editing app like Kapwing and VEED for smoother transitions between clips.

Another thing: photos shared in Stories are displayed for about 7 seconds before moving to the next media in the sequence​.

NakedCashmere, for one, makes great use of this Instagram feature by sharing user-generated content or promoting products.

Keep in mind that all Instagram Stories disappear after 24 hours. But if you still want to feature them on your profile, you can save in the Highlights section.

How long can Instagram carousels be?

Instagram carousels let you share up to 10 slides of images, videos, or both in a single post. Whether showcasing products, giving a behind-the-scenes look, or telling a story, it’s an easy way to keep your audience swiping through.

But why carousels? People spend more time on them, and Instagram even gives them a second chance by showing a different slide if a user skips it the first time.

With a 0.91% engagement rate (compared to 0.69% for single-image posts), carousels are a reliable option to boost your interaction.

Key details

Here’s the lowdown on Instagram carousels:

  • Number of slides: From 2 to 10 slides, you’ve got plenty of room to play around. Use it to tell a story, spotlight different products, or share a series of cool moments. Nike often uses carousels to showcase new products from different angles in one post, allowing their followers to swipe through and engage with each slide.
  • Aspect ratios: The most common formats are square (1:1), portrait (4:5), and landscape (1.91:1). Keep your images and videos at least 1080 pixels wide. That said, for consistency, it’s best to keep all images the same size—the format of your first image will set the tone for the rest of the post.

  • Image or video format: As of 2024, you can mix and match those slides however you want—photos, videos, or a blend. Images should be in JPEG or PNG, and videos need to be MP4 or MOV. Videos can run anywhere from 3 to 60 seconds, perfect for quick demos or behind-the-scenes peeks. Just watch your file sizes—videos should stay under 4GB, and images should be no more than 30MB. For instance, the jewelry brand Mejuri posts both photos and short videos in its carousels so followers can have a closer look at its products​.

The length of Instagram Reels vs. TikToks vs. YouTube Shorts

TikTok vs Reels vs Shorts — what's the ideal video length for each platform?

When creating videos for TikTok, Instagram Reels, or YouTube Shorts, it’s all about playing to each platform’s strengths.

TikTok gives you the most wiggle room in terms of length, letting you dive into more detailed content when necessary. Meanwhile, Reels and Shorts are best suited for quick, punchy videos that capture attention fast.

YouTube Shorts, in particular, is a smart choice for creators aiming to drive viewers toward their longer YouTube content.

Here's a quick comparison table detailing the length difference:


Minimum Length

Maximum Length

Primary Audience

Best For

Content Focus

Instagram Reels

15 seconds

90 seconds

18-64 years old

Creators who want integrated content with feed, stories, and reels

Great for short, visually engaging content. It fits well into Instagram's ecosystem, which includes Stories and feed posts.


15 seconds

10 minutes

16-34 years old (Gen Z focus)

Trend-driven, viral content targeting Gen Z

Originally famous for short clips, TikTok now supports up to 10 minutes, offering flexibility for everything from quick trends to more in-depth content.

YouTube Shorts

15 seconds

60 seconds

18-49 years old

Creators driving traffic to long-form content on YouTube

Works as a way to direct viewers to longer YouTube videos, ideal for teasers or condensed versions of longer content.

How long should an Instagram Reel be: our expert verdict

There’s no magic formula for how long your Instagram Reel should be. While shorter Reels (7-15 seconds) generally rack up more views and often align with Instagram's algorithm, that doesn’t mean they’ll always move the needle for your business.

So, what's the ideal Instagram Reel length? It depends on what you want to achieve, who your audience is, and the type of content you're sharing.

The case for shorter Reels

Shorter Reels tend to perform well in terms of views. Quick, snackable content grabs attention, often leading to more replays and shares in a fast-scrolling world, which boosts brand awareness. Instagram’s Reels algorithm generally loves these short-form loops because they get people hooked. Think: more impressions, more replays, more Explore page appearances.

However, while shorter Reels may spike your view count, they might not always drive meaningful business outcomes. A 7-second clip might catch the eye but lack the depth to explain a product or guide viewers through a tutorial. Therefore, for businesses with more intricate messaging, relying solely on short Reels could lead to high views but low conversion rates​.

Longer Reels: the other side of the coin

On the flip side, longer Reels (60-90 seconds) give you more space for storytelling, and therefore, deeper Instagram engagement. These extended formats give you the time to walk viewers through a step-by-step process, showcase product features, or present brand narratives, making them more effective for nurturing leads or driving sales.

Sure, they might not get as many views as shorter ones, but the people who stick around are often more engaged and invested, which can lead to higher conversion rates.

It’s easy to assume virality equals success, but retention and quality engagement often matter more. A 90-second tutorial might not go viral, but if it helps people understand your product better or fosters a stronger bond with your brand,  it is far more valuable in the long run​.

Finding the sweet spot

Experimenting is key to finding what works best for your audience.

While shorter Reels might grab attention quickly, you should test different lengths to see what really clicks.

For instance, an e-commerce brand might notice shorter product teasers spark interest, but longer how-to videos turn more viewers into buyers.

On the other hand, service-based businesses might discover that Reels in the 45 to 60-second range hit the perfect balance between visibility and providing valuable information.

In the end, let the data guide you. Keep an eye on Instagram’s analytics to track how your Reels perform. Are people tuning out after 10 seconds, or staying for the full minute? Use these insights to shape your social media goals and strategy, ensuring you’re optimizing for both views and conversions.


All in all, remember that while different Reels durations can serve various content types, the focus should always be on delivering compelling, high-quality content that aligns with your audience's preferences.

Experimenting with different Reel lengths and analyzing their performance can help you refine your strategy and make the most of this versatile feature on Instagram.

FAQs about Instagram Reels' length

How long should a reel be to go viral?

There’s no specific length that guarantees a Reel will go viral, but shorter Reels—typically around 7 to 15 seconds—tend to perform better. This is because shorter content is easier to consume and encourages viewers to watch the entire video, which boosts completion rates, a key factor in Instagram’s algorithm. However, the most important factor is creating engaging, high-quality content that captures attention quickly. If your content resonates with your audience, is shareable, and aligns with current trends, it has a higher chance of going viral, regardless of its length.