Socialinsider Product Updates - August

August was a great month because of two main reasons:

  • Oasis are back 🤘
  • Socialinsider has some fantastic additions

In other words, here are the best things that happened at Socialinsider this past month.

I hope September is good to you!

1. Twitter Metrics:

We all need just a little patience. But the wait is so worth it.

The social platform everyone is talking about — Twitter metrics are now explained and computed correctly.

Moreover, in the Posts section, you will find more media types:

  • images
  • videos
  • status
  • links
  • animated gifs
Twitter media types

2. Instagram Reels:

They definitely deserve a special place in our hearts and in the dashboard.

There’s been a new addition to the Instagram profiles from your projects — the Reels section is meant to show you every insight about this type of content.

Instagram Reels

From engagement insights to reach and impressions, all the Reels metrics have found a home. 🏡

Reels engagement insights

This new feature is designed to provide you with comprehensive insights into this dynamic content format, ensuring you have all the data necessary for in-depth analysis.

3. Profiles & Swaps:

This is really happening. Every action related to your profiles is now available for you to see.

Within the Subscription section, a newly introduced segment featuring Profiles and Swaps has been added, offering you a deeper understanding of your current usage.

Usage of your Socialinsider subscription 

All the profiles added to your projects and all the recently deleted profiles can be found here.