How To Create a Social Media Community That Stands Out

According to HubSpot, 86% of social media managers believe building an online community is important for a successful social media strategy in 2024.

Also, 27% of social media users actively participate in online communities, with this number rising to 40% among Gen Z and Millennials.

Social media communities, now a standalone marketing channel in 2024, thrive on networking, engagement, promotion, and valuable content through consistent, active participation. However, to build a successful community, you need effective community-building strategies and examples of successful social communities.

In this article, we will explore how building a social media community can improve your social media marketing strategy in 2024 and enhance your social media ROI.

Table of contents
What is a social media community?
Difference between social communities and social audiences
Why does having a community on social media matter?
How to build a community on social media?
How to build a closed brand community?
Social media community examples
FAQs on social media communities

What is a social media community?

A social media community is a group of people who interact with each other on social media platforms around common interests, shared goals, or values.

These communities can form on various platforms, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Reddit, and others, and they offer a space for members to share content, engage in discussions, support each other, and build relationships.

What people think a community is: likes & followers, a few replies in comments, just a group of people with similar interests, big numbers, and metrics.

What a community actually is: a sense of belonging, opportunities to get involved, feeling seen in a crowd of many, reciprocity and collaboration. - Sophie Miller - Director | Pretty Little Marketer

Difference between social communities and social audiences

Your community might be a part of your audience, but it extends to a deeper brand connection.  

Social communities are groups of individuals who actively interact with each other and with your brand, emphasizing community engagement as a key aspect.

Members participate in discussions, share content, and contribute to the group’s overall experience, often driven by a shared purpose or interest. They have a sense of belonging and are more deeply involved in the interactions within the community.

Keeping communities engaged shouldn’t be difficult if you are properly aligned with the community you’re building. The most important thing to remember when building and engaging communities, is that it isn’t about you. It’s literally about the community themselves.

If you put the community first, they will reward you long term for being the one to build it,” says Xandrina Allday, Social Media Manager | LabX Media Group.

In contrast, social target personas refer to a broader group of people who follow or consume your content but may not engage deeply. They might view your posts, listen to your updates, or watch your videos, but their interaction is usually more passive.

Unlike community members, they do not typically contribute to discussions or share a common goal, making their engagement level lower and less interactive.

For example: consider a brand’s Facebook Group (community) where members actively discuss new products, share feedback, and participate in exclusive events.

In contrast, the brand’s broader social media followers (audience) may like or share posts but rarely engage in discussions or participate in activities. The group members are highly engaged and involved, whereas the broader followers may only passively consume content.

At B Squared Media, we manage many different communities for our clients, some of which are open and some of which are closed. Our (and the clients’) goal nine times out of ten, is engagement,” says Brooke Sellas, Founder & CEO, B Squared Media.

Why does having a community on social media matter?

Building a community on social media goes beyond just amassing followers. It creates a space where meaningful interactions happen, fostering a sense of belonging and loyalty among members.

A well-engaged community can significantly enhance brand reputation, provide valuable insights, and create a richer experience for both the brand and its audience.

Here are some of the benefits of building a community for a brand in 2024.

Increased brand discoverability

Promoting products and services via social media significantly boosts brand discoverability.

By leveraging community-building skills, businesses can enhance their presence and connect with their target audience more effectively. Engaging with diverse online communities and participating in discussions helps establish a brand as a trusted solution for various needs.

Social media platforms provide valuable opportunities for showcasing offerings and building a loyal following.

Focusing on how to build your own community and employing the expertise of a social media community manager will help businesses position themselves as go-to resources, strengthen their brand presence, and expand their reach within relevant communities.

Access to feedback

Building online communities allows businesses to build relationships with people who have a genuine interest in their brand. These engaged users often provide valuable feedback based on their experiences with the products. This feedback is crucial for continuous improvement across different areas, from product development to customer service.

For example, a popular cold email tool SmartLead has an active community on Slack with over 7.5K members. They have a channel in which users can request features and the SmartLead team responds to them directly.

Opportunity to offer increased value

Modern consumers choose brands not only for their functional offerings but also for their values and the experiences they provide.

Social media communities help here by allowing brands to share their values, engage with their audience authentically, and create meaningful experiences. This deeper connection helps in building brand loyalty and enhancing the overall brand value.

Regularly posting content that your community won’t see elsewhere, asking and responding to questions, and facilitating a safe space for people to have discussions creates that sense of belonging, and feeling of exclusivity.” says Annie-Mai Hodge, Founder of Girl Power Marketing.

How to build a community on social media?

Community building is a challenging task that demands significant effort from team members within social media departments.  

Engaging with your connections and providing value is non-negotiable, a top community-building strategy to ensure active participation and sustained growth.

Here are a couple of community-building strategies that are bound to help you increase brand loyalty and gain a positive brand image overall.

Be authentic and transparent

To turn your audiences into loyal fans and customers, authenticity with transparency is the key.

The idea is to help your followers see real value in being part of your community.

An effective social media community engagement strategy involves sharing valuable insights, providing support, and fostering genuine interactions.

Also, make sure to avoid salesy messages and not make it about you as a brand but about your audience.

If you make it more about your brand than your audience, they may feel disconnected and less inclined to engage with your content, leading to a decline in trust and loyalty.

Focusing on their needs and interests will help you build trust through honest communication, which, in turn, will encourage more meaningful engagement and long-term growth for your community.

Create a sense of authenticity. I always try to inject a sense of personality, humor, and sarcasm into everything that I do, ensuring it becomes an enjoyable experience rather than just something work-related.

I also have some high content moderation standards within my communities so that the quality of the content remains at the top level.

Most people want to contribute because they want to give something back, which is a solid base for reciprocal relationships.” says Matt Navarra - Social Media Consultant

Prioritize storytelling over trend-chasing

On platforms like TikTok, following trends can be crucial for visibility and social media engagement.

However, for other platforms such as LinkedIn and Instagram, storytelling and behind-the-scenes content resonate more with audiences.

Using GIFs, emojis, quote images, and memes can enhance your storytelling, making it more engaging and relatable.

This year, we conducted a survey with our audience to understand what makes a brand memorable on Instagram.

The results showed that posting original content, rather than just following trending topics, is highly valued.

Respondents indicated that they prefer brands that share authentic stories and insights from real people working at the company. This approach not only highlights the brand’s values but also creates a deeper connection with the audience.

Our findings suggest that storytelling posts significantly outperform trend-based content in terms of engagement and audience retention.

People appreciate authentic, relatable stories that provide a deeper insight into the brand, its values, and its people.

Sharing behind-the-scenes moments, customer success stories, and the journey of your brand will help you foster loyalty and trust, leading to stronger brand identity and more organic interactions.

So, if you were wondering how to increase community engagement on social media, this is a great starting point.

Make people feel seen

Humans like to be heard and valued, and that’s one of the most valuable focus points when you aim to create a community for your brand.

The goal is to create a space where people feel acknowledged and appreciated. This involves actively listening to their feedback, responding to their concerns, and celebrating their contributions.

Cultivating a sense of community can transform passive followers into active, dedicated members who advocate for your brand and contribute to its growth.

To foster a sense of community, inclusion, and validation are of the essence, as they will help enhance engagement and build trust and loyalty.

Providing personalized interactions and showing genuine interest in your audience’s opinions will make them feel valued and seen, reinforcing your image as a trustworthy brand.

Based on the insights we got, people also like to see non-promotional content that can actually help them solve a particular problem. Other than that to build a social community, you can also leverage engaging stories that relate to your audiences.

The goal is to genuinely help your followers solve a problem by incorporating your product or service as part of the solution, rather than merely promoting it.

Furthermore, you can keep your audience engaged by using social media best practices like sharing updates about new features, product enhancements, and upcoming releases. Highlight how these updates address common challenges and improve user experience.

Sharing behind-the-scenes looks, user testimonials, and case studies can also create a deeper connection with your audience, making your content more relatable and valuable.

Almost all the people who join my private Facebook group come from hearing me speak on a stage or a podcast. So they’ve just heard me deliver a ton of value and they want to hang out in a community where they know they’ll continue to get those resources and information regularly.

I think the biggest reason the group stays active is that I routinely monitor the group and jump in to answer questions or provide resources as soon as possible.

People know they are going to get answers (whether from me or other members) and that makes it a safe, reliable place to interact,” suggests Jenn Herman, Instagram Expert.
Make connections, not followers! Host events and offer special promotions - offer connection opportunities.

Partner with influencers

According to a study, 69% of consumers trust influencer recommendations.

While you can directly use influencers to promote your products, you can also leverage them to promote your community.

Creating content in collaboration with influencers can enhance community awareness and engagement.

Collaborating with influencers who align with your brand values and have a genuine connection with their followers can enhance the level of thrust within your own community. They can create engaging content that highlights the unique aspects of your brand.

Additionally, influencers can facilitate discussions, host live sessions, and actively participate in the community, fostering a sense of credibility.

For example, Lululemon collaborates with micro-influencers on Instagram to build brand awareness and engage its audience.

These influencers, passionate about fitness and wellness, align with Lululemon's values of empowerment and healthy living, showcasing how the brand's products fit into their active lifestyles.

How to build a closed brand community?

Building a closed community, such as a Facebook group, requires careful planning and execution.

Linking to your company's Facebook page from personal profiles is crucial to building the community and maximizing reach across various social media platforms.

Closed communities thrive because they are personal, they create a sense of exclusivity and they’re intimate. It feels like you know something that everyone else doesn’t.

However, maintaining engagement from community members requires quite some effort and strategy.

You want to feel like their best friend that’s giving away the juiciest secrets about the industry, or insights into everything that’s going on. Annie-Mai Hodge, Founder of Girl Power Marketing.

Here are 5 steps to effectively create and manage a specific community:

#1. Establish your audience segment

You need to know who you want to connect with while building a community online.

Understand your member’s personas by considering demographics, interests, and their relationship with your brand.

Create your content and engagement strategies to address their specific needs, challenges, and goals to build a meaningful and active community.

Closed communities thrive on a strong foundation. Start with a niche topic, clear goals, and active leadership in the form of a dedicated community manager. Sprinkle in engaging content.

I recommend trying several formats, including videos, animated GIFs, images, and photographs.

To keep your members coming back for more, surprise and delight them with fun challenges, games, memes, contests, freebies, and even guests.

One key milestone to look for is when your members start engaging with each other, not just the community manager. This is a sign your community is thriving!” suggests Dorien (van Dam) Morin - Social Media Strategist.

#2. Find a pain point or challenge

Identify a common pain point or challenge your audience faces and build your closed community around providing value or solutions to that issue.

Research your members’ habits, motivations, pain points, and needs. Client surveys and feedback received via social media platforms can be particularly useful for this.

Having a place to connect, ask questions, share knowledge, and be amongst peers is a strong recipe for building a closed community that lasts,” suggests Christina Garnett, Chief Customer Officer.

#3. Create a communication strategy plan

When thinking about launching social networking communities, you need to consider that you’ll have to develop a clear communication strategy.

Choose your social community platform, decide if you will partner with any influencers or experts, and create a timeline for your community activities and content.

According to our research, Facebook groups still hold the top position for building communities, followed by Discord and WhatsApp.

  • Have ambassadors and moderators (from your team) with expert label: Choose team members to serve as ambassadors and moderators who can lead discussions and uphold community standards. Present them as experts to build authority and trust within the community. Their responsibilities include sparking conversations, sharing insights, and creating a respectful and engaging environment.

  • Use experts from outside or give the people from inside a chance to talk and be an expert in a subject: Partner with external influencers and experts to host sessions and share valuable insights, improving the community's credibility. Alternatively, encourage internal team members and active participants to showcase their expertise, allowing them to lead discussions and contribute content.

  • Don’t introduce too much of your product; use more “soft-sell”: Focus on providing value and building relationships within the community rather than overtly promoting your products. Use a "soft-sell" approach by subtly integrating your products into discussions and content where relevant, ensuring that the primary focus remains on addressing the community's needs and interests.

#4. Set goals for online community building

Define what you want to achieve with your community. Determine which stage of the marketing funnel the community is supposed to boost, whether it’s brand awareness, consideration, or conversion.

When it comes to a closed community it’s just like the best of parties. It matters who else is in the room.

Joining a community because you think it could be of value to you is one thing, but returning over and over again is significantly harder. This habit loop occurs when members have positive onboarding experiences and interactions with other members, creating a sense that they have joined the right place. - Christina Garnett, Chief Customer Officer.

#5. Define success metrics

Establish how you will measure the success of your community. Key metrics might include member growth, post-engagement, and response time. These metrics will help you track progress and make necessary adjustments to your strategy.

Discover top social media metrics

7 social media community examples

Being a social media manager comes with its own set of challenges.

Fortunately, there are several communities out there where you can learn from experts and navigate these challenges.

Unlike social media, these communities allow you to directly engage with experts and discuss your profession in depth.

A thriving online community can enhance engagement, cultivate brand loyalty, provide valuable content, and foster a positive and inclusive environment for members to connect and thrive.

Finding the right community is key. Here are some of the best online communities that can help you connect with like-minded professionals and grow your skills.

#1. Social Media Marketers Community by Socialinsider

The Social Media Marketers Community by Socialinsider is a vibrant space dedicated to savvy social media marketers and enthusiasts who breathe in social media.

This community is designed for those eager to learn new tactics, share insights, and network with like-minded individuals.

Whether you’re looking to learn from others’ wins and mistakes or simply take a break, you’ll find a supportive environment here to inspire and guide you.

In this community, you can expect access to valuable marketing resources, data-driven strategies, and the latest social media news and updates. Engage in discussions, ask those “silly” questions, and connect with professionals from the industry. Share your stories, showcase your work, and be part of a creative and collaborative group where you’re the director of your journey.

#2. The Social Media Geekout

The Social Media Geekout is a dynamic online social media community led by social media expert Matt Navarra, designed to keep professionals and enthusiasts informed about the latest industry developments.

This group serves as a hub for discussing social media trends, tools, and strategies, offering a space for insightful conversations and updates on the newest changes across social platforms.

Whether you aim to stay ahead of the curve or share your expertise, The Social Media Geekout is your essential resource for all things social media.

The Jenn’s Trends Facebook Group by Jenn Herman is one of the most valuable social media forums, dedicated to social media marketing professionals. This group serves as a space for members to discuss social media trends, share insights, and seek advice on various social media strategies and tools.

It often features discussions on the latest updates from social media platforms, best practices, and industry news.

In the group, members can expect to engage in lively conversations, get tips from Jenn Herman and other experienced professionals, and stay updated on emerging trends in social media marketing.

#4. Pretty Little Marketing Community

The Pretty Little Marketing Community is a network and community for marketing professionals.

Founded by Sophie Miller, this community focuses on providing consultancy and partnerships for social media strategy.

Members benefit from a collaborative environment where they can exchange ideas, seek advice, and stay updated on industry trends. The community often features discussions, events, and resources aimed at helping marketers improve their skills and advance their careers.

#5. Exit Five for B2B Marketers on Facebook Groups

Exit Five for B2B Marketers is a Facebook group created by Dave Gerhardt, a well-known figure in B2B marketing. This group is designed for B2B marketing professionals to share insights, strategies, and experiences related to B2B marketing.

Members engage in discussions about various aspects of B2B marketing, including lead generation, content strategies, and marketing technology.

The group provides a platform for B2B marketers to network, ask questions, and stay updated on industry trends and best practices. It’s a valuable resource for those looking to enhance their B2B marketing efforts and connect with like-minded professionals.

Also, the community leverages various social channels such as LinkedIn, Discord, and Slack to build relationships, share resources, and gather feedback.

#6. Daily Carnage on Facebook Groups

Daily Carnage is a Facebook group associated with the Daily Carnage brand, which offers marketing insights and updates through its newsletter and podcast. The group serves as a community for marketers to discuss the latest trends, share strategies, and engage with content related to digital marketing.

Members can expect to find discussions about marketing news, tips, and best practices, as well as opportunities to connect with other marketing professionals. The group is a great resource for staying updated and exchanging ideas related to all things marketing.

#7. The Content Marketing Tips&Tricks group on Facebook

The Content Marketing Tips&Tricks group on Facebook is a community focused on content marketing strategies, techniques, and best practices. This group provides a space for content marketers to discuss various aspects of content creation, distribution, and measurement.

Members share insights, tips, and experiences related to content marketing, including SEO, blogging, social media, and content strategy.

It’s a valuable resource for networking with other content marketing professionals, seeking advice, and staying updated on the latest trends and tools in content marketing.

You can enroll for free to gain access to valuable lessons and sessions without any financial commitment.

Final thoughts

Social media communities are powerful, especially in the age of AI, when people want to connect more with humans than with bots. However, building a community from scratch requires strategic planning, dedicated resources, and a genuine focus on the members’ needs.

Choosing the right platform, encouraging authentic engagement, and prioritizing meaningful interactions over overt promotion can help brands create thriving communities. These communities can enhance brand loyalty, provide valuable insights, and drive long-term growth.

Embracing community-based marketing can ultimately transform how brands interact with their audiences, leading to lasting relationships and mutual benefits.

FAQs on social media communities

What are the best platforms for building a community?

For building a community, choosing the right platform is crucial based on your audience and social media goals. Here are some top options:

  1. Facebook Groups: Ideal for broad reach and engagement, with features to foster interaction.
  2. Discord: Excellent for real-time chat and building communities around specific interests.
  3. WhatsApp: Great for small, tight-knit groups needing quick, personal communication.
  4. Slack: Suitable for professional and project-based communities with robust collaboration tools.

Depending on your needs, platforms like Reddit, Mighty Networks, or Telegram might also be valuable.

What is community-based marketing?

Community-based marketing (CBM) is a strategy focused on fostering relationships with customers by building a sense of community around a brand or product.

Unlike traditional marketing, which centers on selling, CBM emphasizes creating a thriving community. It is built on three pillars: authenticity, engagement, and two-way conversation:

  • Authenticity: people seek genuine connections, and brands that authentically engage with their audience build trust.
  • Engagement: meaningful conversations with your audience.
  • Two-way conversation: brands give their customers a voice, promoting a dynamic two-way dialogue.

Why is community building important?

Community building is essential for fostering customer loyalty and engagement.

When customers feel connected to a brand, they are more likely to stay loyal, actively engage with content, and provide valuable feedback that can drive product improvements. This engagement leads to higher visibility and a stronger reputation for the brand.

Moreover, communities built on authenticity and transparency establish trust, making customers more likely to support and recommend the brand. These communities also create support networks, reducing the burden on customer service and increasing satisfaction.

Ultimately, a loyal and engaged community drives long-term growth and advocacy for the brand.