TikTok Stats 2024 for a top-notch marketing strategy
TikTok statistics for 2024, including metrics like engagement, views and usage
TikTok - Video view rate by number of followers

The view rate for TikTok videos is higher for accounts with a follower count between 1.000 - 5.000.
TikTok videos from accounts with a follower count between 1.000 - 5.000 have a higher median view rate, indicating 27%. TikTok videos from accounts with a follower count higher than 100.000 have a median view rate of 5%.
TikTok - Average view rate by number of followers

On TikTok, the average view rate is the highest for the profiles with the lowest follower count, between 0 - 5.000.
The highest value for the average view rate on TikTok is 25%, for the accounts with a number of followers between 0 - 5.000. The lowest value for the average view rate on TikTok is 8% for profiles with a follower count of 100.000 or more.
TikTok - Average engagement rate by mention presence by number of followers

The average engagement rate by mention presence for TikTok is the highest for the profiles with the lower count on followers.
The highest average engagement rate by mention presence is 10% for posts that use mentions, for accounts with a number of followers between 0 - 5.000. The lowest average engagement rate is 6.5% for posts without mentions and for profiles that have a follower count of 100.000 or more.
TikTok - Average engagement rate by video views per top industries

The average engagement rate by video views on TikTok varies a lot for all top 12 industries, from 2% to 12%.
The highest value for the average engagement rate by video views on TikTok was recorded for the Travel industry, indicating 12%. At the other end, the lowest average engagement rate by video views was recorded for the Beauty industry, with 2%.
TikTok - Age Demographics for UK

On TikTok, the age group that has the most accounts is the one between 25-34 years old.
The age group with the highest number of TikTok accounts is the one between 25-34 years old, indicating 7.5 million users. The age group with the lowest number of TikTok accounts is the one between 13-17 years of age, with a value of 0.001 millions.
TikTok - Age Demographics for UAE

In the UAE, on TikTok, the age group that has the most accounts is the one between 25-34 years old.
The highest number of TikTok accounts is registered for the age group 25-34 years old, indicating 4.5 millions. At the other end, the lowest number of TikTok accounts in the UAE is registered for the age group between 13 and 17 years old, with a value of 0.001 million users.
TikTok - Age Demographics for USA

In USA, on TikTok, the age group that has the most accounts is the one between 25-34 years old.
The age group that indicates the lowest number of TikTok accounts is the one between 13-17 years old, with a value of 0.5 millions. The age group between 25-34 years of age shows the highest number of TikTok accounts, indicating 19.9 million users.
TikTok - Age Demographics for Indonesia

In Indonesia, on TikTok, the age group that has the most accounts is the one between 18-24 years old.
The age group between 18-24 years old represents the highest number of TikTok accounts, with a value of 41.8 million users. The lowest number of TikTok accounts is for the age group between 13-17 years of age, indicating 0.001 millions.
TikTok - Gender Demographics for Indonesia

In Indonesia, for TikTok, the highest number of accounts by gender is represented by females.
Females represent the highest number of TikTok accounts by gender, indicating a value of 56.5 million users. Males only have 44.9 million accounts on TikTok in Indonesia.
TikTok - Gender Demographics for USA

In USA, for TikTok, the highest number of accounts by gender is represented by females.
Females represent the highest number of TikTok accounts by gender, indicating a value of 40.3 million users. Males only have 26.9 million accounts on TikTok in USA.
TikTok - Gender Demographics for UAE

In the UAE, the highest number of TikTok accounts by gender is represented by males.
Males lead with the highest number of TikTok accounts by gender, indicating a value of 7.05 million users. Females only have 3.2 million accounts on TikTok in the UAE.
TikTok - Gender Demographics for UK

In the UK, the highest number of TikTok accounts by gender is represented by females.
Females lead with the highest number of TikTok accounts by gender, indicating a value of 11 million users. Males only have 10.9 million accounts on TikTok in the UK.
Frequently Asked Questions about TikTok Statistics
1. How can TikTok statistics help digital marketers?
Digital marketers use TikTok statistics to measure their performance and to make predictions about future campaigns. These TikTok statistics packed with metrics data let digital marketers know what works and what doesn’t work for them.
2. How often do we update our TikTok statistics?
We update our TikTok statistics quarterly to bring forth data that keeps our charts relevant.
3. What do your TikTok statistics include?
Our TikTok statistics provide charts for watch rate, video views, engagement, demographics and much more data will be updated.
4. Which country is using TikTok most?
According to the latest data on TikTok's advertising reach, the United States is home to the majority of TikTok users worldwide, with 116.5 million TikTokers residing there.
5. Is posting 3 Tiktoks a day good?
How often you post can also affect how your content is distributed on the platform (TikTok recommends posting 1-4 times per day). To find a posting schedule that will please both the TikTok algorithm and your fans, keep a close eye on your performance until you find a frequency that works.