LinkedIn Algorithm - How It Works and How To Master It in 2024
LinkedIn Analytics

LinkedIn Algorithm - How It Works and How To Master It in 2024

Understanding the ins and outs of the LinkedIn algorithm and what it prioritizes gives you all the tools you need to master it.

Andreea Udescu
Andreea Udescu
Table of Contents

Since LinkedIn is one of the largest social media platforms, with over a billion users worldwide (as of December 2023), it's clear that more and more people are drawn to this channel and see the impact it has on the growth of their online community and their bussiness.

Today we will start by laying the foundation for a top-notch LinkedIn marketing strategy, by getting into the nitty-gritty of the LinkedIn algorithm.

Ready? Let’s jump in!

The LinkedIn algorithm explained - tips & tricks on how to master it

1. What is the LinkedIn algorithm
2. How does the LinkedIn algorithm work
3. What types of posts are favored by the LinkedIn algorithm
4. What are the best performing content formats on LinkedIn
5. What are LinkedIn ranking signals
6. How to master LinkedIn algorithm when developing your marketing strategy

1. What is the LinkedIn algorithm?

The LinkedIn algorithm is a system that decides what content is prioritized in users’ feed and how much reach your posts get from viewers. As new features make their way onto the platform, the algorithm can change and content that was previously overlooked have more chances to shine.

The algorithm is developed to search for the most relevant content to distribute across its vast network.

When a LinkedIn user scrolls through their feed, the algorithm offers them results based on their preferences, previous comments, discussions, shares and followers.

2. How does the LinkedIn algorithm work?

Now that we’ve defined the LinkedIn algorithm, let’s explore how it works so you can fully leverage its potential. Understanding the algorithm will also help you determine what to post on LinkedIn for maximum engagement.

Your LinkedIn content has a better chance to perform well based on several factors, including:

  • platform activity - how often you post, how much you engage with your community etc.
  • content quality - Β good quality social media content, with clear copy, attractive visuals and a relevant message
  • content diversity - varied content, leveraging several posts formats available on the platform
The LinkedIn algorithm will make a clear distinction between meaningful content / conversations and purely promotional posts, favoring the former.

3. What types of posts are favored by the LinkedIn algorithm?

Getting a grip of how the LinkedIn algorithm changes helps you learn the rules of the game and start playing equipped with all the knowledge.

It's also important to know and keep in mind how the LinkedIn algorithm updates over time and what you can do to make sure you're not blindsided by any sudden changes.

To that end, it's worth examining what types of posts are favored by the LinkedIn algorithm to make sure your strategy works as planned.

Let’s see which are the types of LinkedIn posts that the algorithm gods look most favorably upon:

  • Posts that share expert knowledge and advice

Following a time when the line between personal and professional got blurry and LinkedIn posts got more personal, now the algorithm is strongly favoring content that offers value in the shape of expertise and professional advice.

To identify which posts fit into this category, the algorithm checks for:

  • poster authority
  • unique perspective
  • meaningful comments
  • Industry news and important events

To prove to your followers you are on top of the latest trends in your industry, being ready to share your thoughts on some breaking news, you need to constantly do research.

If you post about what’s trending, users will know that you are aware of the latest studies, facts and everything in between when it comes to a certain topic.

Be careful not to fall into the trap of always following trends, though, as that might signal to the platform that you are chasing virality.

  • Employee-focused posts

Another type of content favored by the LinkedIn algorithm is employee-focused content. By posting this type of content, any brand proves to have a human side.

What's more, your employees can easily become your brand ambassadors.

You can share photos of your team making your dream possible, pictures from competitions you went to together or even some photos from your latest teambuilding.

Your employees are a mirror of your brand and you should try to showcase that. This type of posts will increase your LinkedIn engagement rate.

  • Celebration posts

After you build a community on LinkedIn who is always interested in the updates you post, you should also share your accomplishments, not only your struggles.

By showing users how your brand prospers, you prove how proud you are of your team and your common efforts.

Posts about awards winning and accomplishments attract users to congratulate you.

Here's what insights Judi Fox, Founder and TikTok expert, has on this topic:

This is a picture with a quote by judy fox about linkedin algorithm

4. What are the best performing content formats on LinkedIn?

The type of content that performs well on LinkedIn can always change, but right now there are two formats that outform all the rest.

  • Multiple images posts

When it comes to content formats, multi-image posts are a clear winner, judging by our latest LinkedIn Benchmarks study.

linkedin benchmarks 2024 engagement rate by impressions
  • Video content

We’ve learned from other (more video-heavy) social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram, that videos are one of the most engaging type of content.

Our latest LinkedIn Benchmarks study also shows that video content brings you the highest amount of shares on LinkedIn.

median number of shares linkedin benchmarks 2024

If you produce authentic, informative videos, your chances to attract more follower grow exponentially.

Another way to efficiently use video content that is favored by LinkedIn algorithm is by going live. LinkedIn Live allows you to establish a fruitful connection with your community.

During live broadcasts, you can conduct Q&As about your products and services with those who are interested.

5. What are LinkedIn's ranking signals?

Besides the fact that most marketers worry for the LinkedIn algorithm, you should know that it works based on LinkedIn ranking signals.

Ranking signals establish what should be displayed first on users’ feed depending on their interests and set the content order.

This ranking system works on three ranking factors: personal connections, interest relevance and engagement probability.

  • Connections

When you connect with people on LinkedIn, you will see that LinkedIn algorithm classifies your connections based on your interests and what is more relevant for you.

Another important aspect to keep in mind is that the value of your account’s reach is strongly connected to the number of connections you have on LinkedIn. The higher the number of connections, the higher the reach.

LinkedIn will also show your posts to people with which you share some common interests.

Why is this relevant?

Because, if you're managing a brand's or company's LinkedIn page, you can leverage your personal connections (aka your own LinkedIn network) to promote / bring awareness to that specific brand or company.

  • Relevance

The LinkedIn algorithm figures out what are your interests based on the pages, accounts and groups you follow, the content you've been sharing and hashtags you use.

It also keeps track of the people you have engaged with the most, offering you an opportunity to reveal meaningful content.

LinkedIn displays your posts outside your network if you mention other companies and add relevant hashtags to your posts.

  • Engagement potential

When it comes to LinkedIn, engagement relies on how likely is for a user to engage with your post and how much engagement can a post receive.

For a user to engage with your post, it depends on the previous behavior of the user, being related to the rest of the posts they have engaged with lately.

When a post has an increased engagement, it means that LinkedIn will perceive it as relevant for users and will display it to more people.

6. How to master the LinkedIn algorithm when creating your marketing strategy

Developing a LinkedIn marketing strategy can feel like a real challenge when you think you have to please the algorithm gods so that your content reaches the right people.

Here are a few tips on how to master LinkedIn algorithm and increase your brand awareness.

Post relevant and original content

Even if this may sound like an clichΓ©, it is really important to post content that is relevant to your followers.

Designing content for the sake of virality might work on other social media channels, but it doesn't apply to LinkedIn. In fact, as of late, this platform doesn't take too kindly to content that tries to fool the system and go viral fast.

Original content that offers new data to users is bliss. This is the type of content which will determine users to comment, react and engage with the posts.

This is a picture with a quote from anneke van der voort about linkedin algorithm

Make sure you don’t just post something for the sake of not missing a day of posting. It is more valuable if you post meaningful content, not mere background noise.

You’d want your posts to offer readers an β€œaha!” moment. Know your audience first and then adjust your content to their likings.

Keep in mind the fact that videos get the highest engagement rate, especially when it comes to native videos.

Be personal

Some marketers would say that building a brand is not necessarily hard. What is even harder is to build your own voice and identity so that people recognize you by your ideals and goals.

When users discover your human side, they will establish stronger connections with your brand, being more likely to interact with it, asking for help, for more details or advice.

Encourage this type of behavior in your followers to be able to develop your own community. Post about your employees, let followers know when you have a new team member and try to offer your posts a personal touch.

Post at optimal times

It's not always an issue of what to share, but when. Not all posting times are created equal, and some will bring you more visibility and engagement than others.

There's not a one-size-fits-all solution, though. You have to experiment with different posting schedules, and take a look at when your competitors are posting as well.

Keeping tabs on your LinkedIn post analytics in Socialinsider can help you get started on the right path.

best time to post by engagement socialinsider

This social media platform doesn’t like it when you use outbound links in your posts. The LinkedIn algorithm does not favor posts with external links since it doesn’t like it when you leave the network.

That is the main reason why the algorithm won’t prioritize and show these types of posts to your followers.

However, if you really want to share a link from another social media platform, consider placing it in the first comment of your post.

Use LinkedIn analytics to optimize your strategy

To make sure your LinkedIn marketing strategy unfolds as planned, it is best to use LinkedIn analytics to check your performance.

A third-party LinkedIn analytics tool like Socialinsider could help you find out what’s working and see what efforts you need to make to remain on the right track.

To do that, you can keep an eye on your key LinkedIn metrics:

socialinsider linkedin key metrics

See which post types generate the most engagement, so you know what to prioritize in the future:

post engagement by type socialinsider

If your posts aren't getting the right number of engagement or impressions, maybe you're posting at the wrong time. Check the best time to post by engagement and impressions respectively, and change your posting schedule to match.

linkedin best time to post by engagement and by impressions

Or find out more about your follower seniority and function, so you can adjust your tone of voice based on who's listening:

Final thoughts

In order to grow your brand, it is advisable to use LinkedIn algorithm to your advantage, making SEO work wonders for you.

In the fast-forward digital world, acing LinkedIn posts is really important. This will help you build a healthy and functioning marketing strategy to grow your brand.

To make sure the LinkedIn algorithm favors your posts, always keep an eye on the latest updates and check your social media analytics to make sure you are on the right track.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the golden hour of the LinkedIn algorithm?

The golden hour of the LinkedIn algorithm covers the first 60 minutes after a post is shared. In that timeframe, the algorithm scans the content shared and categorizes it as either spam, low-quality content or clear (good to go). It also check its performance in terms of reach and engagement rate.

2. Did the LinkedIn algorithm change in 2023?

Yes, the LinkedIn algorithm underwent a series of changes in 2023. Now, your content has a higher chance to reach your existing followers. At the same time, LinkedIn prioritizes knowledge-rich content so that it has a larger reach, beyond your connected network.

3. What is the best time to post on LinkedIn?

According to a recent study, the best times to post on LinkedIn are:

  • Wednesday between 8–10 AM
  • Thursday at 9 AM and 1–2 PM
  • Friday at 9 AM

However, it's worth doing your own research to see when your competitors are most active on this platform and how well that's working for them.

Andreea Udescu

Andreea Udescu

Content writer with 7 years of experience in digital marketing. When I’m not writing, I like to go on coffee dates with friends, dabble in poetry and fill my house with flowers.

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