19 Social Media Video Tips: Create, Hook, and Convert Your Audience
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19 Social Media Video Tips: Create, Hook, and Convert Your Audience

Discover 19 social media video tips to boost engagement, reach, and brand visibility. Learn how to create impactful videos for all platforms.

Charu Mitra Dubey
Charu Mitra Dubey
Table of Contents

In 2024, 9 out of 10 businesses are using videos for marketing, with 87% of marketers reporting a direct increase in sales from video content.

However, most brands are still not leveraging video marketing strategies in the right way. Many struggle with low engagement rates and viewer retention, as studies show that 65% of viewers stop watching videos after just 10 seconds.

The reasons are simpleβ€”brands often fail to implement effective social media video strategies and don't use the right video content ideas. They overlook key aspects essential for growth.

In this article, we will discuss 18 video marketing strategies and social media video marketing tips to help you improve your social media strategy and achieve meaningful audience interactions.

Let’s go!

Table of Contents
1. Start with a strategy
2. Build a strong video foundation
3. Choose the right social media platform
4. Adhere to SEO best practices
5. Leverage storytelling
6. Hook within three seconds
7. Caption your videos
8. Test video lengths
9. Design catchy thumbnails
10. Feature humans
11. Create videos tailored for each platform
12. Pay attention to the lighting of your videos
13. Ensure your videos aren’t too formal
14. Use copyright-free music in your videos
15. Include CTAs in your videos
16. Integrate social media video advertising into your strategy
17. Register longer videos with upper management and chop them into a series
18. Respond to comments
19. Analyze your video performance

FAQs about social media videos

Here are 19 social media video best practices that can help you optimize your video strategy to build a follower base from scratch and grow your brand on social media.

#1. Start with a strategy

Never start creating video content without a strategy. The better your strategy is, the more effective your results will be.

Begin by listing your brand’s goals. Define clear objectives, understand your audience, choose the right platforms, understand what’s currently trending on the platform, and then plan your content.

For example, as per our LinkedIn benchmarks report, while video might not yet be the most engaging content type for LinkedIn, it generates more shares, leading to more impressions and increased brand awareness.

This suggests that using videos on LinkedIn can help your brand get more impressions, and engagement, and hence more potential leads and conversions.

median number of shares linkedin benchmarks 2024

Similarly, our 2024 Instagram benchmarks report revealed that the average engagement rate for Reels has reached 1.48%. Meanwhile, the engagement benchmarks for other post types stand at 0.91% for carousel posts and 0.69% for image posts.

So, using Reels as a part of your social media video strategy can be highly beneficial right now.

instagram benchmarks 2024 top content

#2. Build a strong video foundation

Once you have mapped out the plan, you need to choose the content pillars for social media that you’ll leverage for your videos.

Content pillars are the core themes or topics that form the foundation of your content strategy. They represent the key areas of focus that align with your brand's goals and resonate with your target audience.

A brand can create multiple types of videos, such as product, how-tos, branding videos, company values videos, behind-the-scenes videos, and more.

The idea is to strategically select and mix these types of videos to keep your audience engaged and showcase different facets of your brand.

product video example

#3. Choose the right social media platform

Every brand’s audience is different, so choosing the right platforms for your video campaigns is an imperative part of your strategy.

Different platforms serve different purposes and attract varying audiences. TikTok is geared towards short, entertaining, and viral content, making it ideal for reaching a younger audience looking for quick and engaging videos.

YouTube, on the other hand, is more suited for longer, educational videos where viewers seek in-depth information and tutorials.

Instagram offers a blend of both, with features like Reels for short, catchy videos, and Stories for engaging, ephemeral content.

content mix for tiktok vs reels vs shorts
β€œTo choose the right platform for your video content, begin by understanding your target audience's demographics, preferences, and behaviors. Platforms like LinkedIn are ideal for reaching professionals and decision-makers with industry insights and thought leadership content, while YouTube suits detailed product demonstrations and tutorials for a broader audience.” Says Vahbiz Cooper, Digital Marketing Specialist at Demandbase.
To get more in-depth insights and performance benchmarks about the leading platforms for short-form social media videos, check out our latest TikTok vs. Reels vs. Shorts study

#4. Adhere to SEO best practices

Like Google, even social media platforms use algorithms to rank and display content. This is why you need to optimize your video content on social media as per every platform's SEO best practices.

short videos results in google

Standard SEO practices, such as conducting channel-specific keyword research, should be a key part of your strategy. Social SEO benefits your channels and helps you shoot a video your audience truly wants.

Beyond keyword research, ensure your content matches your audience's search intent. Make your titles clear, and organize your captions thoughtfully. Tailoring your content to each platform's SEO guidelines will significantly enhance its visibility and reach.

If you want to learn more about each social platform’s specific SEO opportunities and requirements, check our detailed guide on social media SEO and discover best practices and tips that will help you boost your brand’s visibility on social media.

#5. Leverage storytelling

People of all ages love good stories. Telling a story while delivering your social video is the best way to keep viewers hooked.

Craft scripts that weave a compelling narrative, whether it's a customer success story, a day in the life of your team, or the journey behind a product's creation.

office life storyboard

Storytelling captivates viewers by providing a relatable and emotional connection, making your videos more engaging and memorable.

One of the most helpful tips for when you create video content for social media is to use a clear structure with a beginning, middle, and end, and incorporate elements like conflict and resolution to maintain interest.

Embed storytelling into your video scripts to entertain and build a deeper connection with your audience, encouraging them to engage with and remember your brand.

#6. Hook within three seconds

Research shows that it takes only three seconds for viewers to decide whether they’ll continue watching or scroll past your video in their social feed. Therefore, you need to make those first three seconds count to avoid losing the interest of your target audience.

example of hooks usage in reels

Below, you’ll find a couple of game-changing tips for using video on social media:

  • Use striking visuals, intriguing questions, or surprising statements to immediately hook your audience.
  • Make the beginning of your video compelling and engaging to increase the chances of retaining your audience's attention and effectively delivering your message.

The goal is to create an instant impact that piques curiosity and encourages viewers to keep watching.

quote for social media video tips

#7. Caption your videos

83% of media consumers in the USA watch videos with the sound turned off, and 80% are more likely to watch an entire video when captions are available.

Captioning makes videos and streams more accessible and easier to watch, no matter where the viewer is or what they are doing.

video captions example

Video captions enhance engagement by making your content understandable even in noisy or quiet environments, ensuring that viewers can follow along without needing sound.

This increased accessibility helps capture and maintain your audience's attention, leading to higher engagement and a more inclusive viewing experience.

#8. Test video lengths

When making videos for social media, you should test different video lengths, as it will help you determine what works best for your audience and objectives.

While shorter videos (under 2 minutes) generally maintain viewer engagement, the optimal length can vary based on the platform and content type. For example, product demos should be short and concise, while educational videos can be longer to provide detailed information.

According to our report on TikTok’s performance benchmark, TikToks, which is shorter than 15 seconds, achieves a view rate of 9.40%. Once this video length is exceeded, the view rate drops to an average of only 7.84%.

In this chart are presented video view rates benchmarks for TikTok for different video lengths

Different platforms favor different video lengths, and your video's nature should guide its duration.

Product demos benefit from being short and crisp, while educational content can afford to be more lengthy.

Testing various lengths will help you find what resonates best with your audience, balancing quick engagement with in-depth content.

#9. Design catchy thumbnails

Thumbnails are the first impression of your video, helping viewers decide whether to click or scroll past. Essentially, thumbnails are a snapshot of your content, and they should be treated as their own piece of content.

example of catchy thumbnails

Videos with well-designed thumbnails experience a dramatic boost in click-through rates. In fact, about 90% of the best-performing videos on YouTube have creative thumbnails, showing a clear correlation between catchy thumbnails and higher views.

Here are six tips for creating effective thumbnails:

  1. Use a Still Image from Your Video: Choose a high-quality still image from your video or take a screenshot if updating old videos. Add a title if needed.
  2. Create a Custom Thumbnail: Design a thumbnail for your video that includes a short, descriptive title along with your brand’s name or logo.
  3. Combine a Video Still with Graphics: You can combine a still image from your video with graphic elements to create a truly attention-grabbing and compelling YouTube thumbnail.
  4. Write Eye-Catching Titles: Craft engaging titles that clearly describe the video content and grab attention.
  5. Avoid Misleading Images and Titles: Ensure your thumbnails and titles accurately represent the video content to build trust and avoid inappropriate imagery.
  6. Test Different Designs: Experiment with different designs and track results to see which thumbnails generate higher click-through rates.

#10. Feature humans

Adding human faces to your videos fosters trust and humanizes your brand. Especially in an industry dominated by AI-produced content, featuring real people sets your content apart and makes it more personal.

example of a video featuring humans

Our brains are wired to recognize faces, which helps capture attention and build a sense of familiarity. People are more likely to connect with, understand, and trust your message when they can see the human behind the voice.

#11. Create videos tailored for each platform

When it comes to distributing content on social media platforms, taking shortcuts like posting the same videos across all video channels without tailoring them could result in lost opportunities.

Every platform has different algorithms, unique audiences, and different video formats, requiring tailored video content. While the core message can remain the same, the presentation should be customized to fit each platform.

target audience for tiktok vs reels vs shorts

For example, for Instagram marketing, short, visually engaging videos work best. Use Instagram Stories and Reels for quick, snackable content that drives high engagement. Captivating thumbnails and trending music can enhance visibility.

On LinkedIn, informative long-form videos perform better. Focus on thought leadership and industry insights. LinkedIn’s audience values educational content, so consider creating how-to videos, interviews, or case studies that provide value to professionals in your industry.

PS: for help with video content creation, many social media managers are using Descript or OpusClip to create teasers or short videos from long form videos.

#12. Pay attention to the lighting of your videos

Good lighting can make or break your videos by significantly enhancing quality, making them look professional and visually appealing, and increasing viewer engagement by ensuring they are easy to watch and understand. It builds trust by reflecting professionalism.

While many think one light source suffices, experts recommend using at least three. If budget is a concern, natural light is a great alternative.

When shooting indoors, aim to film during the day near windows or doors to maximize natural light. This approach ensures your videos are clear, focused, and compelling.

#13. Ensure your videos aren’t too formal

Many newbie social media strategists believe that their videos need to be perfect in terms of background, appearance, and every little detail, but this isn't the case. While it's important to look presentable, viewers appreciate a human connection more.

Authenticity is critical in building trust with your audienceβ€”the more they believe in you, the more likely they are to trust you, especially when AI videos are becoming more prevalent.

To create authentic videos, embrace imperfections, and don't stress over minor flaws. You don’t need a picture-perfect backgroundβ€” a slightly messy one can make you seem more relatable.

Focus on delivering valuable content with clear, concise, and impactful messages that keep viewers engaged.

authentic video example

Also, most brands today leverage user-generated content, which often lacks perfect quality but connects with the audience due to its genuine human element. These videos resonate well, offering an authentic glimpse into real experiences.

Using copyrighted music without proper licensing can lead to legal issues, including video takedowns, monetization loss, and potential lawsuits.

Platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook have strict policies regarding copyrighted content, which can result in your videos being muted or removed.

On the other hand, copyright-free music, also known as royalty-free music, is specifically licensed for use in videos without such risks.

Many websites offer a wide range of royalty-free tracks that can enhance your videos while keeping you compliant with copyright laws.

By opting for copyright-free music, you ensure your content remains uninterrupted and legally safe, allowing you to focus on creating engaging and impactful videos.

#15. Include CTAs in your videos

If you want your viewers to do something, you need to tell them first. Adding calls to action (CTAs) in your videos will help your viewers take the next step.

A well-placed CTA in your videos can guide your audience toward desired actions, such as subscribing to your channel, visiting your website, signing up for a newsletter, or making a purchase.

video cta

Clear and direct CTAs are a common element of the best social media videos, as they ensure that your viewers know exactly what you want them to do, which can significantly increase engagement and conversion rates.

To make your CTAs effective, place them strategically within your videos. Include them at natural stopping points, such as the beginning, middle, or end. Mid-roll CTAs can be particularly effective for longer videos, while end-roll CTAs work well for concise content.

#16. Integrate social media video advertising into your strategy

Video ads tend to generate higher engagement rates compared to text ads. According to a study, viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video compared to 10% when reading it in text.

Also, according to a recent survey by Databox, over two-thirds (67.55%) of respondents reported that video content drives more ad clicks on Facebook.

video ads statistics

Paid ads allow you to pinpoint your ideal viewers based on demographics, interests, and behaviors, ensuring your content reaches the right people at the right time.

And videos have the potential to evoke strong emotional responses, which can lead to increased brand loyalty and higher conversion rates.

Using the dynamic and engaging nature of video ads, you can create compelling narratives that resonate with your audience and drive meaningful social media interactions.

#17. Register longer videos with upper management and chop them into a series

The upper management has reached their positions for a reason, bringing years of experience and knowledge that can greatly benefit your brand. Sharing their expertise through videos can help build a loyal follower base.

Especially on platforms like LinkedIn, longer thought leadership videos are effective for showcasing expertise and providing in-depth insights. To maintain audience engagement, break these longer videos into a series.

linkedin video series example

This approach makes the content more digestible and keeps the audience coming back for more. You can repurpose the same series for YouTube, creating a consistent stream of valuable content across platforms.

Address relevant queries in a topical video series to become a valuable resource for your audience, attract new viewers, and establish yourself as an authority in your niche.

#18 Respond to comments

Engaging with your audience through videos can be highly effective.

On platforms like TikTok, you can directly respond to a comment with a video, creating a personalized and immediate connection with your audience. This direct interaction not only addresses individual queries but also shows your responsiveness and commitment to your followers.

tiktok video reply

Another approach is to create videos based on common questions or comments from your followers.

By using the questions you get as inspiration for your content, you provide valuable information to a broader audience while demonstrating that you listen and respond to your audience's concerns. This method helps in building a community around your brand and fostering trust and loyalty among your audience.

#19. Analyze your video performance

Monitoring your video analytics and creating regular social media reports on performance is essential for understanding the effectiveness of your social media campaigns.

Tracking views, engagement, and other key social media metrics can help you identify which content resonates most with your audience and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Correlating your content and KPIs with specific times of the year can also reveal social media trends.

For example, during the summer holiday season, a brand like Airbnb is likely to see increased engagement as people actively search for holiday destinations.

airbnb tiktok kpis

Also, analyzing your top-performing posts can offer social media insights into the ideal video length and the effectiveness of various elements like song usage. Understanding these factors can help you fine-tune your content to better meet viewer’s preferences.

airbnb top posts on tiktok

Custom metrics can be particularly useful for platforms like TikTok. These metrics allow social media managers to predict future video performance based on past TikTok marketing data.

For example, tracking how many days it takes for a video to reach its peak in viewership and engagement can be incredibly useful. These insights are useful for reporting and should be kept in mind when analyzing overall performance.

Monitoring your social media analytics can help you make data-driven decisions to improve your video strategy and achieve better results.

airbnb tiktok data

You can use a social media analytics tool like Socialinsider to track all important data like:

  1. Key metrics: Monitor views, engagement, and other essential metrics to understand the effectiveness of your social media campaigns and videos.
  2. Trends: Correlate content with specific times of the year to reveal engagement trends, such as higher interaction during holiday seasons.
  3. Top-performing posts: Gain insights into ideal video lengths and effective elements like song usage to refine your content.
  4. Custom TikTok metrics: Predict future video performance results by tracking how long it takes for videos to peak in viewership and engagement. This will improve your reporting and strategizing, helping you to make more informed decisions and optimize your content strategy.

This detailed social media analysis will help you get insights on how to improve your social media strategy and get better social media ROI.

Final thoughts

Videos are ruling the industry right now, and all smart brands have joined the bandwagon.

Including videos in your strategy for social media marketing is essential because this content format significantly boosts social media engagement and captures the audience's attention more effectively than other post forms.

Videos combine visual and auditory elements, making them highly engaging and memorable. They allow brands to convey complex messages quickly and effectively, enhancing understanding and retention.

Use the above-mentioned video marketing tips to start your social media video creation process and leverage the video tips for social media presented to enhance your brand's presence, drive meaningful engagement, and build a loyal follower base.

Pro tip: There are plenty of AI marketing tools out there that can help you with the video content creation process and ease your work. Start exploring to discover the best-fitted one for your needs.

FAQs about social media videos

What type of videos are best for social media?

The best types of videos for social media depend on the platform you're using. Short-form videos like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts are great for quick engagement. For more detailed content, how-to tutorials and product demonstrations work well on YouTube and Facebook. Behind-the-scenes and brand stories are effective videos on LinkedIn and Instagram to build a deeper connection with your audience.

How do you create videos for social media?

To craft your videos for social media, start by planning your content based on your social media goals and audience. Shoot videos with good lighting and clear audio, then edit them to ensure they're engaging and polished before posting.

Charu Mitra Dubey

Charu Mitra Dubey

Content Marketing Lead at GetPhyllo with 6+ years of digital marketing experience. Founder of CopyStash, a weekly newsletter on marketing.

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